Tuesday, February 14, 2006- 6:30 PM
to 8:00 PM
Leslie Middle School
Media Center
3850 Pringle Rd SE
Salem, OR
Introductions & Agenda Review
(5 min.) |
New Members' Comments
(5 min) |
Discuss / Develop Plan for Fairview
Mitigation Wetlands Restoration -
(40 min) |
Spring / Summer Project Scheduling
* Kroger Park Bioswale (March ?)
* Salem Hospital
(10 min) |
Salem-Keizer Watershed
Coordinating Grant - status report -
Victor Dodier
min) |
Items may be added to
agenda as meeting date approaches
Old and New Business
This is an
open meeting. The public which lives, works, and
recreates in the watershed is encouraged to attend.
Pringle Creek Council
Core Values:
- Stewardship of the Pringle Creek watershed as
a natural entity in an urban environment;
- Sustaining Pringle and Clark Creeks as
naturally occurring watercourses;
- Preserving Pringle and Clark Creeks
riparian corridors to support native plants and
- Improving water quality; and
- Promoting public awareness and education on
watershed issues.
Pringle Creek
Watershed Council Minutes: February 14, 2006
Victor Dodier called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
Present were: Ed Emrick, Glenn Dolphin, Susan Kephart,
Jim Kephart, Roger Heusser, Chet Zenone, Mary Liepins,
Gail Simmons, Ryan Kinnett, Victor Dodier, and John
The bulk of the meeting was devoted to discussing
future plans for the Fairview wetland mitigation sites.
Ed Emrick described the City's plans to comply with a
consent order with the state. After lengthy discussion,
the Council decided to further explore a project to
extend the mulch walking path at the sites. Ed Emrick,
Glenn Dolphin, and John Savage will develop a straw
proposal for consideration at the next Watershed Council
meeting. If the Council decides to go ahead with the
project it will seek a grant from the City.
On March 4, the Council is tentatively sponsoring a
work party at the Kroger Park bioswale. Victor will
confirm a date with the City.
Victor reported that Salem-Keizer Watershed Councils
will soon finalize an agreement about the OWEB grant with
the Marion Soil and Water Conservation District.
Respectfully Submitted, John Savage, Secretary.
Back to February agenda
Home Page
- December
12, 2006 (Tuesday) - Pringle Watershed
Council Monthly Meeting. 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm. Leslie Middle School Media Center, 3850
Pringle Rd SE.
- January 9, 2007 (Tuesday)
- Pringle Watershed Council Monthly Meeting. 6:30
pm to 8:00 pm. Leslie
Middle School Media Center, 3850 Pringle Rd SE.
- February 13, 2007
(Tuesday) - Pringle Watershed Council
Monthly Meeting. 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm. Leslie Middle School Media Center, 3850
Pringle Rd SE.
- March 13, 2007 (Tuesday)
- Pringle Watershed Council Monthly Meeting. 6:30
pm to 8:00 pm. Leslie
Middle School Media Center, 3850 Pringle Rd SE.
- April 10, 2007 (Tuesday)
- Pringle Watershed Council Monthly Meeting. 6:30
pm to 8:00 pm. Leslie
Middle School Media Center, 3850 Pringle Rd SE.
- May 8, 2007 (Tuesday)
- Pringle Watershed Council Monthly Meeting. 6:30
pm to 8:00 pm. Leslie
Middle School Media Center, 3850 Pringle Rd SE.