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Tuesday, July 10, 2001
6:30 PM

Leslie Middle School Media Center 3850 Pringle Rd SE


Welcome, Introductions & Agenda Review

Approval of Last Month's Minutes

Treasurer's Report

Comments from the Public

City of Salem Reports

Watershed Coordinator's Report

"Issues facing fish, the Willamette, and transportation systems in Oregon," a perspective from new board member Bill Warncke

Watershed Council Reports

  • Land Trusts/Conservation Easements

  • Liberty Road/Fox Hollow Trees

  • Cannery Park Bioswale Project/Grant Application

  • UPRR Photo Documentation

  • Liberty School Bioswale

  • Archibald Detention Basin

Action Items:

  • School projects for next year

  • "Clean Water for Salmon" Campaign

  • Participation in Macro-Invertebrate Data Collection Project

Old and New Business

Other Watershed Concerns

This is an open meeting. The public which lives, works, and recreates in the watershed is encouraged to attend.

About Pringle Creek

Council Core Values: 

  • Stewardship of the Pringle Creek watershed as a natural entity in an urban environment; 
  • Sustaining Pringle and Clark Creeks as naturally occurring watercourses;
  • Preserving Pringle and Clark Creeks’ riparian corridors to support native plants and wildlife;
  • Improving water quality; and
  • Promoting public awareness and education on watershed issues. 

The Pringle Creek Watershed Council is a nonprofit association representing watershed residents, businesses, schools, neighborhood associations, government, the scientific community and environmental organizations.

Pringle Creek Watershed Council

Meeting Minutes, July 10, 2001


  • Mike Sepull
  • Wendy Kroger
  • Ron DeWilde
  • Ray Heller
  • Alan Pennington
  • Susan Kephart
  • Jerry Eder
  • Twyla Smith
  • Lisa Hemesath
  • Al White
  • Vickie Hardin Woods
  • Elaine Crawley
  • Jon Christenson Roger and Nadine Heusser
  • Bill Warncke
  • Welcome, Introduction & Agenda Review

    Wendy Kroger opened the meeting with introductions of all those present.

    Treasurer Report

    No report.

    City of Salem Reports

    • Alan reported that the water conservation plan instigated by the city is working well. His graph of water usage, showed a decline for this summers drought.
    • Public Works is in the process of doing a bioassessment on Pringle Creek this summer with plans to study other creeks next year.
    • Cannery Park Bioswale will be constructed in August and September.
    • Vickie gave an overview of how the different departments of the city function and work together.

    Public Comments

    Jon, a SCAN member, informed us of the need of developing land for a pedestrian walkway from the hospital to Bush Park. This is particularly important now that Bush School will be moving. SCAN is asking PCWC to coordinate with them and see this area enhanced, with not only walkways but also increased stabilization of the riparian area on Pringle Creek. The Pringle Urban Renewal Line would need to be moved to include the area of Pringle Creek bed and bank to Bush Park. (Wendy at this time turned the meeting over to Elaine, the Vice President, to conduct discussion on this topic. Wendy is on the Planning Commission). Susan made a motion, which was seconded and passed to extend the urban renewal boundary to include the natural bed and banks of Pringle Creek to Bush Park. It was also agreed that we would ask the Salem Hospital Foundation to join us in a cooperative joint effort and resources to enhance Pringle Creek. Twyla agreed to write letters to SCAN and the Salem Hospital Foundation.

    Watershed Coordinator's Report

    Lisa said that the fish chapter is finished and being reviewed. The wetlands and riparian chapters will soon be finished.

    The grant proposal project for Judson Middle School will be resubmitted.

    “Issues facing fish, the Willamette, and transportation systems in Oregon,” a perspective from new board member Bill Warncke

    Bill, a biologist with ODOT, discussed how the Endangered Species Act has affected ODOT. He discussed the mission of ODOT especially in regard to their effect on the environment.

    There are at present 9 biologists working at ODOT with 3 more coming soon.

    NMFS works with ODOT in suggesting biostabilization in areas where bridges are going in. An incidental take statement is determined for new bridges (etc) and a formal consultation with NMFS is made if the risk is high of “incidental take”. ODOT biologists do a lot of assessment to see what impact roads have on the environment.

    Watershed Council Reports

    1. Liberty Road/Fox Hollow Trees – New fencing is being put in to protect the trees and will soon be watered from a grant request to Public Works..
    2. Cannery Park Bioswale Project – The bioswale will be going in soon. Also the state lottery grant will supply money for development of the whole park.
    3. Liberty School Bioswale – is being monitored and is staying wet.
    4. Archibald Detention Basin – is working and being monitored.

    Action Items

    School projects for next year – Leslie Middle School and Willamette University will be involved in “Best Reaches” project.

    Elaine and her students are working at Cannery Park.

    Old Business/New Business

    Alan has some signs for W Fork Pringle Cr. And Clark Creek.

    The next meeting was set for August 14, 2001 6:30 PM at Leslie Middle School, Room 231.

    Pringle Creek Watershed Council
    c/o Marion Soil and Water Conservation District
    EMAIL to Watershed Council

    Copyright © 1999 -- Pringle Creek Watershed Council-- All Rights Reserved.