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Tuesday, May 8, 2001 6:30 PM

Leslie Middle School Media Center
3850 Pringle Rd SE   


Welcome, Introductions & Agenda Review

Approval of Last Month's Minutes

Comments from the Public

City of Salem Reports

Watershed Coordinator's Report

Watershed Council Reports:

Action Items:

Old and New Business

Other Watershed Concerns

This is an open meeting. The public which lives, works, and recreates in the watershed is encouraged to attend.

About Pringle Creek

Council Core Values: 

  • Stewardship of the Pringle Creek watershed as a natural entity in an urban environment; 
  • Sustaining Pringle and Clark Creeks as naturally occurring watercourses;
  • Preserving Pringle and Clark Creeks’ riparian corridors to support native plants and wildlife;
  • Improving water quality; and
  • Promoting public awareness and education on watershed issues. 

The Pringle Creek Watershed Council is a nonprofit association representing watershed residents, businesses, schools, neighborhood associations, government, the scientific community and environmental organizations.

Pringle Creek Watershed Council

Meeting Minutes, May 8, 2001


  • Greg Dart
  • Peter Scott
  • Mike Sepull
  • Wendy Kroger
  • Ron DeWilde
  • Kate Shelley
  • Alan Pennington
  • Victor Dodier
  • Paula Jourdan
  • Susan Kephart
  • Liz Frances
  • Mark Wilson
  • Jerry Eider
  • Twyla Smith
  • Ken Roley
  • Susan Suihkonen
  • Welcome, Introduction & Agenda Review

    Wendy Kroger opened the meeting with introductions of all those present. The April Meeting Minutes were then approved.

    Treasurer Report

    Victor handed out an Income and Balance Statement showing a balance of $171.40. It was moved and seconded to accept the report as given.

    City of Salem Reports

    • Alan reported that the Heritage Tree code amends the tree protection to allow removal of diseased or hazardous trees.
    • GOALS, student leadership training program through Willamette Univ., was cancelled.
    • May 18th Rakesh Jaiswal, founder of Eco-Friends, will be speaking at Louck's Auditorium, Salem Public Library.

    Watershed Coordinator's Report

    • May 19th there will be a tree mulching project at Brown's Island.
    • May 23rd , a Speakers Forum, The Willamette River: Then and Now, will be presented at Louck's Auditorium.
    • May 14th the public will have another opportunity to examine the Erosion Control Ordinance. 6:30PM at City Council Chambers.
    • OWEB Technical Assistance Grant Application to hire a consultant to put together a project is due May 25th. $40,000 is available.
    • Lisa will be working for SWCD as of July 1 –According to Wendy- “It gets a bit complicated:  OWEB did not adequately fund any of the watershed coordinators.  The upshot:  there is no grant money for overhead.  SWCD was able to offer more benefits than COG which requires anyone housed there to pay their own way entirely.  However, because Lisa is supervising Tina Nunez, our watershed assessment coordinator thru Sept at COG, COG was willing to "rent" space to Lisa thru Sept.  Lisa works for the watershed councils, but is employed by SWCD as of July 1.”

    Public Comments

    Mark, from Creekside Golf Course, gave a brief background of golf course and what they are doing to protect the environment.

    Pringle Creek Fish Ladders – Ken Roley, City of Salem.

    Ken reported on the eroded bank site next to the Fire Station. Because of a high discharge rate, two sections of the bank were damaged. Approximately 200 trees were planted at the site.

    The Pringle Creek Weir at the Commercial Street Bridge, built of rock-filled gabions, has been damaged by woody debris.. It was built in 1995. A consultant team is doing an investigation and putting together a preliminary design with recommendations.

    The city is also looking at the fish ladder on Mill Creek called Waller Dam, and an irrigation dam on Mill Creek that has a 5 foot drop at the entrance and could cause problems, especially for juveniles moving up the creek.

    Watershed Council Reports

    • Earth Day: A large number of people made guesses on our garbage poundage pulled out of Pringle Creek.
    • Bush Park Management Project - Willamette students will be doing work to identify sensitive plants in the park.
    • Cannery Park – A bid package is being put together for the bioswale demo project.
    • Parks is writing a grant so Cannery Park can be funded for full park facilities.
    • Liberty School students gave a great tour of their bioswale to Salem-Keizer Public Schools superintendent, Kay Baker.
    • Watershed Assessment History- Wendy brought maps showing early Pringle land claims.
    • Website - needs more content and photos.
    • Annual Meeting Next Month- Bring snacks
      1. Report what we've done this year
      2. Projects for next year
      3. Elections for board
      4. Positions open will be posted on the net.
      5. Certificates and awards for students and others working on Pringle Creek this last year.

    The next meeting was set for June 12, 2001 6:30 PM at Leslie Middle School Media Center.

    Pringle Creek Watershed Council
    c/o Marion Soil and Water Conservation District
    EMAIL to Watershed Council

    Copyright © 1999 -- Pringle Creek Watershed Council-- All Rights Reserved.