NOTICE Leslie Middle School Media
This is an open meeting. The public which lives, works, and recreates in the watershed is encouraged to attend. |
Pringle Creek Council Core Values:
The Pringle Creek Watershed Council is a nonprofit association representing watershed residents, businesses, schools, neighborhood associations, government, the scientific community and environmental organizations. |
PM Tuesday, September 9, 2003 Welcome, Introductions and Agenda Review Jane Goodall Environmental Magnet School Project- Mike Weddle and Robert Russo- Charter school at Waldo Middle School has been participating in environmental projects for about 10 years. They applied for and received the SEP money that Sumco must provide for a project at Bush Park. They plan to restore the west bank of Pringle Creek at the south end of the park. They plan to get a consultant involved with the students as soon as possible and then obtain permits and hope to get the prep work done in time for planting in the spring. They expect to work on the project for the long term. 12th Street Stormwater Demonstration- Elizabeth Sagmiller Ditch along 12th street south of Morningside Elementary currently has no function. The city plans to divert stormwater into it after some check dams to slow the flow and planting have put in place to provide some water quality benefits. There will probably be a small planting opportunity at the end of the swale that she hopes to involve students at Morningside in. Elizabeth also headed the free streamside trees project. She had good response from property owners along Salem streams and has been able to provide planting for Seniors and others that have not been up to the task themselves. Oregon Watersheds Project- Pat Smith Pat came to ask the watershed council for a letter that Oregon Watersheds can submit with a grant proposal to OWEB for a fish enhancement project that she came and presented to us in February. She is asking for a letter of acknowledgement that says that the project meets the goals spelled out in the Watershed Assessment. Victor will look over the information that she provided in February and compare to the Watershed Assessment and bring back to the board for action in October. October 11 Fairview Wetlands Project- Alan Pennington Salem Wetlands Code Amendments has made it through the planning commission and is now ready for consideration by the city council. The City Tree Advisory Committee is working on a permanent tree ordinance. It should be to the city council by December. Make a Difference Day, October 11, 9AM to 1PM, at the Fairview Wetlands. The main effort will be to build a trail, if the weather is cool then there may be planting also. Bring tarps, shovels and pitchforks. Please call Alan if you plan to participate so that he can have a head count, 588-6173 ext 7388. T Mobile and Supra are interested in having an employee service opportunity on the 10th at the wetland. Alan is asking for help on the 9th to mark the trails. Alan will be out of commission from the end of September until the 9th. PCWC Committee Reports- *Membership- John Savage. This committee (Robin, Bob, Victor and John) is meeting on September 10 to discuss recruitment. *Organization- Victor Dodier. This mostly means agenda and website. Victor would like others to forward ideas to him for presentations at meetings that will draw people. *Projects- Roger Heusser. Roger is out recuperating from surgery. Get better soon Roger. Historic Fish Presence Study, September 24, 7PM at Louckes. Good opportunity to recruit people for PCWC. Each watershed will have a couple of minutes to talk about projects that they are involved in. Adam Matot will bring a display of the ongoing project at Judson Middle School. Bob Roth will bring materials for distribution. Watershed Coordinators Report- Bob Roth Marion County/NOAA Fish Passage Funding Opportunity- Marion County has $35000 for fish passage removal that they will not be able to oversee. Bob would like PCWC to encourage Marion County Soil and Water Conservation District to step up and administer the funds. This item will be considered further at the October meeting. OWEB Council Support Grant Update-Glenn-Gibson still wants to pull out of the Salem Area watershed group (taking $10000 with them) and associate with Rickreal instead. Other Salem area Watershed Councils want them to wait until the next budget cycle or not be able to take any money with them. OWEB is meeting September 10, to decide one way or the other. Channel Habitat for Watershed Assessment- Groundtruthing still needs to be done for the assessment. This is required for future OWEB funding. Need bodies and time. Old and New business- Adam Matot, Judson Middle School- October 25 from 9AM to 1PM Judson students and families to clear blackberries, mark trails and finish prep work for planting that will occur in February. Ryan Kinnett, Community Schoolhouse- Received $10,000 from Marion County for a species recovery project that will benefit the Fender's Blue Butterfly at the Fairview Wetlands. There are lupine that the Fender's Blue will feed on that are not endangered themselves and he plans to plant those species to avoid complications of dealing with an endangered plant species. Way to go Adam and Ryan. Teachers rock! Attending: Robin Straughan |
Pringle Creek
Watershed Council |